La Compagnie des Wagons-lits
Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, also known as Wagons-Lits, is a French company of Belgian origin, founded in 1872 by Georges Nagelmackers. Inspired by the model of the night trains launched in the United States by Colonel Pullman's company, Nagelmackers built Europe's first sleeping and dining cars. In 1883, he launched the Grand Express d'Orient between Paris and Constantinople, which became the famous Orient-Express.
Over the years, the company continued to expand and innovate, offering on-board and on-shore catering services, and even railway hotel services. At its peak in 1931, the company operated a record 2,268 railcars.
In 2010, Newrest acquired Compagnie des Wagons-Lits. Today, Newrest manages the company's catering and related services through its subsidiary, Newrest Wagons-Lits. The Compagnie des Wagons-Lits continues to be associated with travel and luxury, and the Newrest Wagons-Lits team strives to perpetuate the company's tradition by offering world-class service to day and night train passengers.
In this way, the Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, which once revolutionized rail transport, continues to exist and prosper under Newrest's management, offering high-quality catering services on board trains throughout Europe, North Africa and tomorrow in the United States.